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New Web Site Connects 1,000’s of Felons With Second Chance Job Opportunities


A new website called JobsForExFelons.com has been launched to help connect employers in the U.S. with the tens of thousands of unemployed felons and ex-offenders who struggle to find job opportunities. These previously incarcerated individuals deserve another chance, and many companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and Denny’s are willing to hire them.

The website currently lists about 1,000 felon-friendly job opportunities that are offered by real companies including several Fortune 500 corporations. These companies are actively recruiting felons because they understand their responsibility in helping to rebuild lives and communities.
In addition, more and more companies are beginning to realize that hiring felons is a great investment. According to a report by the Society of Human Resources Management, executives say that 82 percent of their ex-offender hires have been just as successful as their average hire.

In addition, it has been determined that because it’s so difficult for felons to find a job, many will stay for a long time working for the company that hired them. This loyalty greatly reduces the high turnover rates that many companies have to deal with as a lot of non-felon employees tend to come and go.

The site is 100% free to use for felons who are looking for jobs. They can easily browse the site to see what jobs are available in their local area, and also sign up for free job alerts. Employers, however, who are interested in hiring felons are required to register and pay a small fee to list their job opportunities.

For more details, visit JobsForExFelons.com

For press inquiries, contact 614-595-6063 or info@jobsforexfelons.com

Source: BlackNews

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