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16 Yr Old Indie Artist Lil G from Chicago Continues to Rise With His Taliban Music Label

SM-  What’s going on Lil G, tell us a little more about yourself and how Taliban Music started?
Lil G – is 16 year old young man (Son of da real guy) has come from poverty, lost his father to the system, going through the pain of the Chicago streets, came up playing basketball and pushing his rapping career and still in school remaining focus. Grandma’s, Cousins, etc Are still on section 8 and still taking Government assistances and Lil G wants to change the product of his environment. Also building Taliban Music Clothing Line Documentaries. Da Real Guy/ Taliban Music CEO has been shot 13 times, beat murders, racketeering and lost friends to rico law/ dodged the rico law, lost plenty of friends to the system and streets of Chicago and Currently in Cook County Jail Facing Home Invasion and Kidnapping charges & has friends facing life in the federal and state penitentiary . Come from Chicago street called the lowend and Robert Taylor housing projects getting it out the mud. Also Building Taliban Music Clothing line, Books, and Documentaries. Da real guy is also on his way home. Taliban Music- is a record label that has up and coming artists , books, clothing lines, models, film makers, actors, and photographers. Taliban Music Started from the inside of incarceration to outside of incarceration of guys that want to change their life and turn their wrongs into right. It’s comes from the Mud and Trenches Of The streets of Chicago.
SM- What inspires you musically?
What inspires Lil G to do what he does is by the way his family life is he wants to change it by overcoming poverty, getting his father out of jail, overcoming the Chicago streets, and hard work, blood, sweat , and tears have been put into the work so it inspires him to keep working.

SM- Why is your music so valuable  and close to you? 
This is valuable to me because family is what matters most and i only want to see them win. So changing their life is what comes first to me before anything so when I am rapping that’s one of the main reason that it’s a passion and I have something to talk about so it’s always been important to me when I first touched the mic.
SM- What’s unique about Taliban Music the label that separates it from the rest?
Taliban Music is unique from every other label itself because it’s being pushed independently from CEO (Da Real Guy) and (Lil G son of the real guy). It has started from Cook county jail with inmates who want to right their wrong and change over their life. Taliban music has book writers, publishers, photographers, songwriters, engineers and producers.

SM – Who was a part of this project that contributed to its success?
My experiences around me what I seen and been through and family was apart of my story and project. My experience pushed me to talk about the stuff I am going through and see because it’s only going to be real and my family pushes me day by day building everything so Taliban Music plays a big role in Lil G’s projects.
SM – How was your movement put together?
It was put together by giving my experiences on what I seen or been around and it pushes more unique from others because they haven’t been around or seen these certain things or never have done it. It benefits consumers by gravitating them to feed to the story and the message of Taliban Music and how it all came about.
SM – What message are you hoping to get across to the people?
The message I am hoping to get across is Taliban music story of how it came about and what Taliban music has overcame as a whole that makes us different and what Taliban Music stands for makes us different.

SM – What are some other things people can expect from you in the near future?
They can expect more work, albums, videos, and engagement as a whole. Taliban music have a lot of work coming out and won’t let up from releasing it and applying pressure.
SM – What’s another feature moment your proud of? .
Lil G has also featured on Dirty Glove Bastard about his story.
For Taliban Music Contact Information Email imlilgbooking@gmail.com TalibanMusic275@gmail.com
Instagram @Tbm__group Instagram @imhimlilg_

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aZZaXpiP0c[/embedyt]

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