Stardom goes 1ON1 with JannyShmanny, Owner of RealityMusicCo Lindenwold NJ
S101: Tell us about what your promoting and the details around it?
I promote brands and businesses. Giving a voice to the voiceless. Any brand or business that wishes to create a fanbase or drive new customers to their products would fit our platforms. Artists looking for promotion, brand or fan building, our platforms bring proven results for royalties. We offer serious individuals who are looking for online radio play, interviews and adverts for independents
at affordable exposure.
S101: What is the inspiration behind what you do?
My love for music originally drove me to be involved in the culture. I’ve seen a lot of indie talents treated unfairly and was a victim to many scams with my artist. I then wanted to be able to expose the talents in a way they can become more popular and make their own money and investments in their careers.
S101: Why is this so valuable to you? And why now?
Goodwill matters a lot in business. It’s important to share knowledge. In this industry there is no right or wrong except to make the client happy. Supporting brand development and building exposure is the key to a great network. Promotions build clientele, influence and overall residual differentiation to your projects. We aim to provide information and exposure to brands on and offline by way of our many structured outlets. We pride ourself in brand development and fan building, rated as one of the most effective independent services in the area since 2010.
S101: What’s unique about this that separates it from the rest?
I am able to promote your brand and bring more traffic to your product on my social accounts. My following ranges over 6K on instagram alone. I constructively post on blogspots. I run several facebook pages where I have over 2K members as well as a community business directory. Known as an influencer to my peers, I feel I would be able to effectively promote your brand/product.
S101: Who was a part of this project that contributed to its success?
Nobody, but currently my new partner Paper$ seems to be an asset on the podcast.
S101: How was this put together and how does it benefit the consumers?
I put together my company’s plan and platforms singly. Although I’ve always strive to be a team member, in and out of other’s associations that didn’t fit or accept my experience. I had to be self taught. Not one person took the time to teach me. I studied the legends and others online. I took online free courses. The development of my creations are entirely up to me because I haven’t found anyone who shares my dream.
S101: What message are you hoping to get across to the people by doing what you do?
I’m all about pushing you. Understand that being an influencer, I get in where you may not. My combined social media is 30K and when my people see my promos.. they see you.
S101: What are some other things people can expect from you in the near future?
Syndicated radio is my goal. Let me combine indie music with mainstream at a budget friendly price. Employ DJs worldwide remotely.
ABOUT RealityMusicCo
Goodwill matters a lot in business. It’s important to share knowledge. In this industry there is no right or wrong except to make the client happy. Supporting brand development and building exposure is the key to a great network. Promotions build clientele, influence and overall residual differentiation to your projects. We aim to provide information and exposure to brands on and offline by way of our many structured outlets. We pride ourself in artist development and fan building, rated as one of the most effective independent services in the area since 2010.
For more info, please email realitymusicco@gmail.com
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